Tournaments And Series Scoring Outline
1) Sport Fish Tournaments: (Dolphin, Guy/Gal, Wahoo)
a) 1 point per pound of qualifying catch
b) In the event that all places (1st-5th best boat and 1st-3rd biggest fish) are not filled, boats with non-qualifying catch will then be qualified for remaining prizes based on total weight of non-qualifying catch or on individual weight of catch for biggest fish prizes.
c) Length / weight limits will be enforced on all fish.
d)Any under-sized fish weighed will result in a 1 point deduction for each pound of the weight of the undersized fish.
e) Size Limits:
i) Dolphin / Wahoo / Kingfish: 32” (812mm)
ii) Yellow Fin Tuna: Legal limit 27” (685mm)
2) Billfish tournament
a) 50 points for each marlin released
b) Please note that there is a NO KILL rule for Billfish and therefore no points will be awarded for any Billfish boated during any tournament
c) In the event that all places are not filled (1st-5th best boat) those boats entered in the Golden Hook Challenge Billfish Tournament Series with bonus points for Billfish caught in other tournaments will be qualified for the remaining positions.
- No sport fish of any kind will count for points in this tournament or toward the series.
3)Series Scoring
Billfish Division
a) 50 participation points for each tournament fished
b) 50 bonus points for each billfish released
c) Tournament points for Golden Hook Challenge as follows:
i) 250pts Best Boat
ii) 200pts 2nd Best Boat
iii) 150pts 3rd Best Boat
iv) 100pts 4th Best Boat
v) 50pts 5th best boat
Sport Fish Division
a) 50 participation points for each tournament entered except the Golden Hook Challenge.
b) 1 point for each pound of qualifying catch caught during each tournament.
c) 1/2 point for each pound of non-qualifying catch caught during each tournament.
i) Non qualifying catch include Yellow Fin Tuna, Kingfish & Wahoo caught in the Dolphin Tournament
ii) Non Qualifying catch include Yellow Fin Tuna, Kingfish & Dolphin caught in the Wahoo Tournament.
d) 1 point deduction for each pound of undersized fish caught during each tournament.
e) Tournament points for all sport fish tournaments as follows:
i) 250pts Best Boat
ii) 200pts 2nd Best Boat
iii) 150pts 3rd Best Boat
iv) 100pts 4th Best Boat
v) 50pts 5th Best Boat
f) Largest fish points for sport fish tournaments:
i) 75pts Largest Fish
ii) 50pts 2nd Largest Fish
iii) 25pts 3rd Largest
Overall Division
a) 50 participation points for each tournament
b) All tournament and bonus points as outlined in each division except participation points.