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2016 Sponsors &
Merchant Discounts
Your generous contributions help to make our vision a reality.
Click on images or text for more information
Adventures in Diving 10% off
Airs R Us 10% off all items over $15
Bengoa's A/C & Super Automotive 10% off Service at regular prices
Castle Glass Works 10 % off
Dive Experience 10% off
- 10% off purchases
Forever & Always Charters 10% off any of our regular charters
Gallows Bay Marine 10% off
Green Key Marina $0.05 off per gallon gas/diesel
Hang Glide St Croix 10% off ride
Headquarters $5 off service total per visit with Kit
Molly's Boutique 10% off purchase
Nelthropp & Low 10 % off purchase
Panache Jewelers 10% discount on selected items
S.C.U.B.A 10% Discount
Sharkey's Bait Stand 15% off any purchase
Ship Shape Surveying 10% of any Marine Survey
The Galleon 10% off Party up to 4 people
TLC Kitchen 10 % purchase

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